Ecstatic Engagement

Schallenberger Elementary School Gala

Better Than Any Prior Year!


“Last year was the first time Schallenberger Elementary sought the experience of an auctioneer for one of our major fundraisers, the spring gala.  You came highly recommended from a few parents in our community.  During the gala and after parents were commenting on how amazing you were! ‘Better than any of the prior years’, ‘She was amazing’, ‘We should have found her earlier’, ‘She hit the nail on the head’.

“Those were a few of comments that were reiterated over and over.”

“Your energy was exactly what was needed to get the audience excited and certainly getting people to donate more and more!! As a result, our gala last year was more successful with us not offering as many items as we had in years prior.  We couldn’t thank you enough!  We are very much looking forward to working with you for this year’s spring gala.”

— L. Barlow, co-chair